Pathways Database - Agreement Details

Institution: Western University
Location: London, ON
Fanshawe Programs: Business - Finance (BFN4)
Business - Finance (Co-op) (BFN5)
Business - Finance (BFN6)
Business - Finance (Co-op) (BFN7)
Credential Granted: Bachelor of Arts, Major in Economics or Financial Economics
Details: Graduates of this program with a minimum overall average of "B+" or 3.5 GPA calculated on all courses within the diploma program only, and with no grade less than "C" or 2.0 GPA. Completion of Fanshawe's ECON-1002 and ECON-1005 with a minimum grade of "B" or 3.0 in both courses. Completion of Western's CALC-1000 with a minimum grade of "B" or 3.0. Completion of the prescribed courses within the Business-Finance diploma program within the two years immediately prior to applying. Letter of Endorsement from the Fanshawe Lawrence Kinlin School of Business. Click here for more information.