Pathways Database - Agreement Details

Institution: Laurentian University
Location: Sudbury, ON
Fanshawe Programs: Early Childhood Education (ECE1)
Early Childhood Education (ECE1C)
Early Childhood Education (ECE1S)
Early Childhood Education (ECE1W)
Early Childhood Education (Apprentice) (ECE4)
Early Childhood Education (Fast Track) (ECE5)
Early Childhood Education (Accelerated) (ECE5J)
Early Childhood Education (Fast Track) (ECE6)
Early Childhood Education (Fast Track) (ECE7)
Credential Granted: HBA Psyshology
Details: Graduates of an Ontario College diploma in Early Childhood Education, with a GPA of 75% or higher, may receive up to 45 transfer credits into the HBA Psychology at Laurentian University. A total of 120 credits are required to complete the Honnours degree. Visit the university website or for details. Click here for more details