Pathways Database - Agreement Details

Institution: University of Windsor
Location: Windsor, ON
Fanshawe Programs: Computer Programmer Analyst (CPA2)
Computer Programming and Analysis (CPA3)
Computer Systems Technology (CTY1)
Computer Systems Technology (CTY2)
Credential Granted: Bachelor of Computer Science (General or Honours)
Details: Graduates of a three-year Computer Programming program, with a minimum 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA (B grade), are eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Computer Science (General) degree program offered by the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor. Additionally, Grade 12U Advanced Functions. The successful completion of Grade 12U Calculus and Vectors is strongly recommended. Students admitted to the Bachelor of Computer Science (General) Degree Completion Pathway will obtain the equivalent of 1.5 years of Advanced Standing (or awarded 15 course transfers). Students are required to complete fifteen (15) courses at the University of Windsor in fulfillment of the requirements of the Bachelor of Computer Science (General) Degree Completion Program. This is a province-wide pathway available to all Ontario public Colleges. Check the University website for specific details and to confirm eligibility. click here for details